Thursday, October 21, 2010


Blabberize is a web 2.0 tool where you upload a picture, and then "blabberize" it. You record audio that is then embedded in the photo. This could be used in any classroom with any subject.

Here are some examples of how to use it in your classroom:

Art: upload a photo of a piece of art and then have students tell about the piece or the artist
Music: use a photo of a musician and describe him/her; write song lyrics to go with a picture
Science: a photo of a scientist and talk about what important thing they did; upload a picture of an experiment that students did and then describe it
Math: work out a problem on computer, take a screen shot of it, then tell about how they solved the problem (could also work the problem on a white board, then take a picture of it)
Social Studies: use any important person in history and tell about them; use a picture of an important event & describe why it was important
Reading: have students draw a picture about the book, upload it and tell about the book as a comprehension check
Writing: easily integrated with any subject--have students write out what they're going to say; also could design a picture about one of the 6 traits and then tell what that trait is about; students could write a poem, illustrate it, then blabberize it

You could also use pictures of classroom events and blabberize those as a way to share what you're doing in class.  Then, you can share them on Twitter and have people around the world leave comments on your blabberized pictures.

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